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Agency Business Loan

A loan for success

Ready to grow? Purchase another agency, hire more employees, or cover other key business expenses.


Designed specifically for agency owners

With this loan you may be able to use your book of business as collateral. The funds can be used for business expenses, including acquisitions, marketing, staffing, cash flow management, or improvements to your office.

Vector (1)

Loans up to $200,000*

Vector (1)

Available as a line of credit or terms up to 120 months*

Vector (1)

No pre-payment penalties, monthly audits, or annual fees

Rates as low as *

Monthly Payment

Loan Amount
Choose Your Rate
Choose Your Loan Term

Hear back within one business day

Contact us to learn more or apply online:

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NW Preferred is like having a financial business partner sitting with you at the table. They listen to our needs and help determine the best way to achieve our goals. Once decisions are made, they help get the deal done in a matter of days, not weeks or months. We appreciate their commitment to our business.

— Eric Graham, Agent


  • Rates and terms may vary based on a borrower’s credit qualifications. All loan rates are determined by Credit Union management and subject to change at any time. The Credit Union may offer other rates in the future. All services offered by the Credit Union shall be subject to applicable laws of the State of Oregon, federal laws and regulations, Credit Union bylaws and all regulations, rules and practices now or hereafter adopted by the Credit Union. All loans subject to credit approval.

    Loans are secured by an agent’s book of business. Other terms and conditions apply, see credit union for details.

    Maximum loan amount is $200,000.

    For a $100,000 Agency business loan with a term of 120 months at 8.25% the monthly payment will be $1,227