Savings made simple
The perfect solution for any savings goal.
Find out how NW Preferred’s Additional Savings Account simplifies saving.

The separate savings advantage
If you have a specific savings goal, having a separate account for it can be a huge advantage. Whether it’s for a car, a down payment, or another expense, keeping that money in one place keeps you accountable. No matter how big or how small your goal, we are here to help you reach it with ease and convenience. Our free mobile app even lets you transfer funds between accounts so you can manage your savings on the go.

No monthly service fees

No deposit restrictions

No minimum balance required

Free online banking and eStatements
Rates as high as APY*
Online Application
Account Opening
I'm so very thankful for the help from NW Preferred. They were understanding to my situation, they were also very professional. I've done business with them for several years and have always felt very taken care of. Thank you to all that work with me. Everyone always makes me feel welcomed and also made me feel like I matter.
APY = Annual Percentage Yield
All rates are subject to change. Rates are subject to change after account opening. For all other terms and fees for each account, contact your branch for the applicable disclosure statement(s). Any fees assessed could reduce earnings on this account. Other terms and conditions may apply, see Credit Union for full details.
Account Type | Base Rate3 | APY3 |
Additional Savings9 |
Holiday Savings10 |
Vacation Savings10 |
IRA Savings Account |
All rates are subject to change. Rates are subject to change after account opening. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. For all other terms and fees for each account, contact your branch for the applicable disclosure statement(s). Any fees assessed could reduce earnings on this account. Other terms and conditions may apply, see Credit Union for full details.
All certificates may be opened as an IRA investment and almost all can be opened as an HSA. For more information on which IRA option is right for you please consult with your tax advisor.
The minimum balance to open and maintain a share certificate account is $500, except Smart Growth which has a minimum of $100.
APY = Annual Percentage Yield
3 The share account Base Rates and Annual Percentage Yields shown are the prospective rates and yields the Credit Union anticipates for the applicable Dividend Periods. Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method.
9 Dividends will be compounded daily and credited quarterly.
10 Dividends are not compounded.
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