f-fixed, v-variable, a-adjustable
Rates and terms may vary based on a borrower’s credit qualifications. All loan rates are determined by Credit Union management and subject to change at any time. The Credit Union may offer other rates in the future. All services offered by the Credit Union shall be subject to applicable laws of the State of Oregon, federal laws and regulations, Credit Union bylaws and all regulations, rules and practices now or hereafter adopted by the Credit Union. All loans subject to credit approval.
*The Annual Percentage Rate is variable and is figured on the following basis: The Annual Percentage Rate will be calculated on the last day of each calendar quarter. The Credit Union starts by calculating the index, which is the average auction rate on 26-week U.S. Treasury Bills for the prior 3 months, rounded up to the nearest ¼%. The Credit Union adds a margin to the index. The amount of the margin is based on your credit profile and other factors the Credit Union deems appropriate. The margin for your account will be disclosed in a document provided when your account is opened. The total of the index plus the amount the Credit Union adds is the Annual Percentage Rate. The Annual Percentage Rate is divided by 12 to produce the monthly Periodic Rate. The adjustment of the Annual Percentage Rate affects your entire outstanding balance and is effective for the second full statement cycle following the calculation date. The minimum Annual Percentage Rate on your account is 8.75%. We will review your credit profile from time to time and may adjust the amount of the margin (and the resulting Periodic Rate and Annual Percentage Rate) based on your credit profile.
2- The Annual Percentage Rate is variable and subject to change on the first of each month. The quoted rate is established by adding a factor (based on borrower’s credit profile) to the 26-week Treasury Bill rate, rounded up to the nearest ¼%.